So I just celebrated another birthday. . . i'm freaking old! 22. . . i'm going to hate my life for the next year. I hate even numbers! Sunday was my "sunday birthday" and we went over to my parents for birthday dinner, clam chowder in bread bowls, my mom is the best cook ever. Shawn's parents and brother came over and then we had my favorite ice cream cake and played games and had fun! For my real birthday I had to work, so my mom surprised me and brought me her famous chips'n'salsa and presents and took me out to lunch. The girls at work mad my day special too. they are so cute, i love them. Then that night we went out for sushi with like 18 friends. It was so much fun. thanks everyone for coming!!!
They made us take of our shoes and everything
is was like we were in japan. . .ha
Shawn and I ate way too much sushi!
Shawn has been the best. . . my family
always says my birthday lasts a
month. . .which is a lie. maybe a
week. but anyways
he has treated me like a queen
every day for the last couple of days!
His birthday is coming up soon
so I will have
to do something
extra special!!!