Monday, May 16, 2011


I am so annoyed with blogging right now.  I really do have have a lot of catching up to do. I'm usually so good about blogging about things right as they happen.  I hate the feeling of being behind on things.  I refuse to blog about our trips, birthdays, soccer and every other event in our lives with out pictures!  I hate reading blogs that don't have pictures.

Excuses that have kept me from blogging.....
  • I've been studying.  I'm finally done with all of my dumb anatomy classes.  Yay!  I start clinic this Friday.  I am so excited!  I got all of my instruments last Friday.  It was seriously like Christmas...but much more expensive than Christmas...
  • Computer problems...our laptop has had all of these issues lately.  We paid for it to get fixed and now my SD card reader is not working, and I don't know how to transfer pictures the old school cord way.  I don't even know where the cord is. 
  •  Soccer & soccer & more soccer.  Shawn is at the end of coaching the spring season.  I absolutely love this aspect of our lives.  It does take up a lot of time, and lately has created Shawn a lot of stress, but it's worth it.  Shawn is such a great coach, and the boys seriously adore him.  They look up to him and all have so much respect for him. I am so proud of him for the positive impact that he's making in these boys' lives.  He has recently decided to change clubs...which has created some stress/drama.  It will be for the best regardless of what happens.  He has put up with a lot and its finally time to change things up.   I have such a hard time imagining Shawn coaching a different group of boys. Hopefully most of the boys will choose to follow him.  He has coached these boys for the last 3 or so years. I love them all, and especially their moms (:
  • I know that there are some of our friends and family who think that we couldn't possibly be busy because we don't have kids.  This pisses me off so bad. "You mean you can't make it to dinner last minute?  You mean you can't come participate in whats going on in our lives because you are coaching or are studying?  Can't you just do that later? ...I mean how can you be so don't even have kids yet?!?" 
LISTEN.  Shawn works a full time job plus a part-time job (coaching).  Yes, coaching is a job!  Yes he does love it, but he does get paid to do that makes it a job.  And with that job comes practice 2 nights a week and games 2 nights a week.  And as for life isn't quite as busy...however I am in school full-time.  And no, I don't have a summer break...I go straight for 20 more months. My life consists of 20 hours  of lecture a week + a few clinical hours now + studying time/homework at nights + my 8 hours a week that I work at the office + I clean a few of our apartments hallways/entryways to contribute a little something...$ off our rent + activity days (I know its only twice a month) + I go to all of the games that Shawn coaches.  Oh...and those things that you have to clean the house, do laundry, and the dishes?  I have to do those too

Yes I know that our lives will be busier when we have kids.  We will have all of our own activities plus theirs, but it doesn't mean that our lives aren't already busy. We try our very hardest to split time between families and we are always at the important things. Family always comes first.   Anything extra right now is just so hard.  Know that we do love you all, and I love hearing all about your activities via blog-world. We are doing our best to juggle everything.

Anyway...I do love blogging, and I have missed it.  I hope to be back at it soon! For now...we are just busy with our "not so busy" lives!


  1. You guys do sound busy even with out the kids. I love my family and love family things but being out of town so much is some times nice cause I don't feel so bad when I cant make it to everything

  2. love your gun to the computer feel like that when I can't get the dang thing to do what I WANT! We know your many places that your lives pull you to! Hang in there! We're proud of what you both are accomplishing! Watch out clinicals! Ang is going to take you apart!

  3. Ang, have I told you that I love you lately? Nope. I haven't. I have been (and so have you, btw) a terrible friend. We haven't talked in...FOREVER. I WILL be calling you soon. I got so excited/jealous when I saw your instruments pic. I'm so happy for you!! You're going to be such a great hygienist! And last, but not least, I laughed/loved it when you said "listen!" I could totally hear it. I love you and miss you!!

  4. Um, you are a super busy girl. You are busier than me for sure and I have a child. Good for you for working so hard. You rock! And thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! I miss ya! :)
