Monday, April 26, 2010

Twin Falls Tournament

Yet another soccer tournament to blog about. I did not take one picture. I'm horrible. It was a really fun tournament though. They had it set up like a little fair type thing. Lots of food and fun little soccer games. They had this thing set up to see how fast you could kick the soccer ball. You would pay 1 dollar for 3 shots. Matt (the biggest kid on the team) kicked a 64 mph. I told the parents that Shawn couldn't beat him. He tried so hard... he could only get a 63 mph. Poor Shawn. Matt ended up winning the competition though, so Shawn can't feel too bad. I'm sure he could have won if his knee was 100% They also had goalie wars at the end of all the games on Saturday. It was so much fun... except for when Chris got a mean concussion when diving into the pole.

They had these big army tents in between the soccer fields to go and get warm in. It was cold...really cold yesterday. The worst part was it was extremely windy. Our boys were so not used to the wind and could not judge anything out of the air. They totally killed the first team. Lost their second game...don't worry...I let them know it was the worst I have ever seen them play (like they care what I say). Saturday night we all went out to a little Italian restaurant...Tomatoes. It was really yummy. I feel like I'm getting to know the U14's parents a lot better. I feel much more comfortable with them. Maybe it's because there are hardly any LDS families on this team and so whenever we have a team outing there is some drinking involved! They are all awesome people and I actually look forward to the next tournament.

Sunday the boys lost in a shoot out in the Semi's. I hate shoot outs. Way too intense. The boys played awesome though. Shawn and I were so happy to come home to the warmer weather and the mild breeze. We are very wind burnt!

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